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Important issues with captive diets..…..

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Posted by: Kelly_Haller at Sat Apr 24 16:26:58 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Kelly_Haller ]  

There is one thing that is just as important as what food item you are using, and that is what that food item has been eating before it is eaten. I worked at a zoo many years ago, and one thing study after study showed us was carnivore diets in captivity usually fail when the diet of the species being eaten lacks, or has an excess, of some essential constituents. These are dietary constituents of these prey species that they are obviously acquiring in their natural diet that is not being supplied in the proper amounts in their captive diets before being used as a food source. Laboratory diets come close to these criteria, but it must be remembered that these diets are not necessarily geared toward the use of these animals as prey species for other animals in captivity. However, these types of diets are a good starting point. Rodent diets are probably the most thoroughly researched and closer to complete than any, and therefore rodents are most likely the best choice when attempting to supply snakes with their required macro and micronutrients. The commercial diets for insects, fish, and especially birds are fairly researched, but don’t typically approach the research that has gone into the formulation of a high quality laboratory rodent diet.

However, there is an issue even with commercial rodent diets. Except for ultra specialized formulations, most commercial rodent diets are usually geared toward high volume reproduction, and usually contain levels of protein and fat not acquired in the diets of their wild counterparts. Most commercial mouse and rat diets have an average of around 20% protein with 10% fat for mice and 5 to 8% fat in rat diets. Wild rats and mice typically consume diets with about two-thirds of that level. Some rodent breeders even cause more problems by using cheaper diets (sometimes dog food, etc.) that have even higher levels of fat and protein causing further dietary imbalances and obesity in these feeder animals. I have been raising my own feeder rats and mice since the late 1970’s and have never used anything raised outside my colony. I have a specific dietary formulation that is a mix of a commercial diet and natural grains that provides all essential constituents that I am aware of and provides about 14% protein and 3 to 4 % fat. The rodents in this colony are lean but not thin, and have very low body fat but yet are of a solid build. They also produce large healthy litters of young, although not quite commercial breeder numbers, but close.

I guess my point is I believe most snakes in captivity can do well on a rodent diet regardless of their natural diet, provided those prey animals are fed a high quality feed and of reasonable protein and fat concentrations. The fat content of prey species is probably one of the most critical components in the diets of captive snakes, and this has been proven by many other reptile keepers as well. Low fat content feeder animals are especially critical when using rodents to feed snakes that typically consume high percentages of lizard prey in their natural environment.



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