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at Wed Apr 28 15:25:01 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by norml32 ]
The Pacific Northwest Herpetological Society --- --- and The Bean Farm --- --- are proud to present the first annual Emerald City Reptile Expo, in Seattle, WA this June 19th and 20th, 2010 in Lakecity, WA (Seattle). For more info and address, please visit PNWHS is a 501 C 3 non profit group the has been the local reptile rescue and educational organization in the Pacific Northwest for over 20 years. Visit our website for more information. The ECRE is an equal mix of reptile vendor sales and presentations from speakers around the US coming to Seattle to discuss responsible herp keeping, current legislation and laws regarding reptile keeping. Speakers attending the Emerald City show include: Dr. Elliott Jacobson, foremost authority on reptile diseases such as IBD (inclusion body disease), Andrew Wyatt, president of USARK, coming to speak on current reptile legislation and how to fight it, Nick Mutton, Inland Reptile, the keeping of pythons and carpet pythons Sandy/Elliott Gesang, Chameleons Northwest, the keeping of chameleons Jerry Novak, PNW Turtle Works, the keeping of turtles and tortoises Plus, many local Seattle area vets, local breeders, herp keepers, etc. In addition, there will be raffle give-aways, an evening auction to benefit USARK, a photo booth where you can take your picture with a unique reptile, an outreach display room, and other events ongoing throughout the weekend. For an updated schedule on events, please check out If you are interested in a vendors table, we are keeping the first show's prices low. We all hope to see you at this great event.
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