Posted by:
at Fri May 28 20:39:23 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by janome ]
Hi. Oh...I LOVE reptile shows! I can tell you about my experiences at shows. THe first time I went to a reptile show / sale I was in aww...I have never seen anything like it. All the different animals on display an for sale. An so many different people. Lots of families with kids just having a great time.
Alot of the bigger named vendors take credit or cash. Some of the smaller vendors so the same. I always take cash with me in case I find something thats only a couple of dollars. I always pay cash to get in. There are animals, supplies, displayes, things to see an touch at the shows I've been to. OH, I spend HOURS just looking around.
I like to go early. The shows I've been to generally get packed after couple hours of opening. So sometimes its elbow to elbow. Depending on what you buy some vendors will hold purchases till your ready to leave. For me I just carried mine with me. The last show my friend an I went to she bought so much stuff for her dart frogs the vendor kept it till we were ready to leave.
Theres usually frogs, snakes, lizards, creepy crawly things, turtles...anything like that at reptile shows / sales. Hope you go an have a great time...
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