Posted by:
at Fri May 21 12:28:12 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mart20 ]
Hi Nick, I'm now thinking that the ceramic bulb is too higher wattage, as for some reason the night time drop isn't working at the moment (timer must have gone wrong or fuse) any how I'll have to get that sorted, but this did make me think the other night. The thing was when the 25watt florecent tube light and the 13watt uva bulb was on the thermostat wasn't pulsing, however when the lights went off with the timer, I noticed that after about 15-30 mins it started pulsing and carried on pulsing for most if not all of the night, and the basking temp was much higher as it should be. So that tells me that when you get rid of 38 watts of heat the thermostat will run at the rate it should, so I'm thinking about simply getting lower wattage ceramics, down from 75watt to 40-50watts and I think judging by what happened I think that will do the trick, as it will counteract the heat of the lighting. I'll see how I get on, I'll have to order a couple asap. thanks for your advice. Martin
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