Posted by:
at Sat Jun 5 19:58:31 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dmorr001 ]
First off, I would like to thank all those who post on these forums for all the info I have gathered here in the past (long-time reader, first-time poster). Here is my situation: I got a phone call yesterday to the effect that an old friend had been sent to prison for what may be more than a year, and could I please come pick up his reptiles and find homes for them? As it turned out, only two snakes (Cal. Mtn. King and Solomon Islands Boa) and an Alligator Snapper. The snakes aren't going to be a problem, but the turtle is. I called the "Wildlife Waystation" and they sounded willing to help, but a bit unenthusiastic. So if anyone here could point me towards a clean, reputable reptile rescue outfit or perhaps a college/university that might be willing to take it, that would be very much appreciated...I imagine a license is required for snappers in CA and it is about 16" carapace length, so I am worried that I may not be able to find a place for it. I only have a few days before the the guy's dad calls animal control to remove it, and there is no way I can have it at home, even temporarily. I just want to find a decent place for it rather than some breeder/retailer running a "rescue" operation. Thank you all very much for you time and for any forthcoming assistance!
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