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at Sun Jun 20 01:29:53 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by twiztedbizkit ]
So I've been keeping herps for my whole life along with planted freshwater tanks and one reef over the past five years and have recently decided to start planning a big terrarium for darts. I've set up a few false bottoms in my day, so I'm not worried about that. The problem I'm running into is that everywhere I look for info regarding the plants themselves, nobody says specifically what levels of light various plants need. I see a lot of people saying that certain plants need "high light," but as someone who's used to thinking in terms of watts per gallon, that really doesn't help.
I guess what I'm looking for here is some info from other users regarding what lighting they have, how their plants like it, and what those plants are. That or if anyone knows of a good site that provides specific info on what certain plants like in terrariums, I'd be much obliged.
Jeff ----- 0.2.0 Variable Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis mexicana thayeri) 1.0.0 Cuban Boa (epicrates angulifer) 1.0.0 Haitian boa (epicrates striata) 0.1.0 Russian sandboa (eryx miliaris) 1.0.0 House cat
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