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at Sat Jun 26 06:32:23 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by megalon ]
for a kid's first snake,i would go for a kingsnake or a corn snake.if you aren't too keen on feeding rodents,there's a product called 'snake sausages',which are essentially rodent hotdogs.well,maybe vienna sausages.anyway,some pet stores stock them,(frozen),and they are available online,too.i have personally never used them,but the people i know who have have gotten mixed results.either the snake will eat it,or it won't.i would start with a kingsnake,those freakin things will eat most anything. stay away from milksnakes for a first snake,they tend to be a bit too squirmy for most kids.a king or corn will settle down alot quicker. ----- 1.1 spotted turtles 1.3 ltc eastern boxies 0.1 cb'06 eastern boxie 0.1 cb'09 eastern boxie 0.0.2 cb'09 razorback musks 0.0.1 cb'09 eastern mud 0.0.1 cb'09 reeve's turtle 1.0 cb'09 crested gecko 1.1 steno geckos 1.2 redeye croc skink 1.2 cb'09 kenyan sand boas(albino,anery,normal) 0.1 albino hedgehog 1.0 cb '03 homo sapien(kaelan,7) "jesus is coming-when i count to 3,everyone jump out and yell SURPRISE!!"
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