Posted by:
at Thu Jul 22 10:28:11 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jscrick ]
That all sounds good. Vitamin mineral supplements containing Beta-Carotenoids, that along with NATURAL SUNLIGHT is all that I can think of to add. A little Gelatin (from a capsule) is good, too. Feeding every other day is fine. I usually just leave food out in the pen and they eat as they choose. Most turtles are most active at dawn and early morning, by the way. That's when they usually eat.
Along with the REPCAL Phosphorus free Calcium with Vit.D3, I supplement with the following, any of which is good...ENFAMIL PolyViSol with Iron liquid children's vitamins diluted, REPCAL Herptivite, NEKTON Nekton-Rep, and NEKTON Nekton-R-Beta.
Should add vitality and color. Box Turtles and many Tortoises, especially small and young, bask best if given a latticework from which to bask from under in dappled sunshine. It is psychologically beneficial (security) as well as somewhat more in moderation. Remember, most of these species bask hidden beneath and among tall grass in nature.
Proper hydration has a lot to do with maintaining proper weight. Loose stools and diarrhea would indicate an issue with unfriendly bacteria or protozoans in the gut. A vet visit for a fecal may be in order.
If your turtle eats well but refuses to gain weight and it's not a hydration issue, she may be carrying a large gut-load of parasites (primarily roundworms). Another good reason for a fecal at the vet's.
A BEBEBAC beneficial bacterial culture powdered supplement may help after a course of anti-parasitic or antibiotic medications, as will good clean (not loaded with the same parasites you just got rid of) native soil and plants/flora. Yogurt may also help.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
jsc ----- "As hard as I've tried, just can't NOT do this" John Crickmer
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