Posted by:
at Thu Jul 22 19:14:38 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by joshp83 ]
I have a jungle carpet python that is about 1.5 years old (I believe.) I've had him for about 3-4 months. He is currently soaking in his water bowl and has been in there for about 11 days. His eyes were hazy the last couple of days, so I assumed he's shedding. He soaked for 6-7 days before his last shed too, so I assume he likes to do this for a while. (This is only the 2nd shed I've had him for, so I'm still learning what's "normal" for him.)
He's looked normal in his bowl while soaking, but today I noticed what I would describe as cauliflower nose- his nose is all puffy and strange looking. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm hoping it just means that his skin is separating in preparation for his shed, but I don't want to risk anything if he's potentially sick... the last time he shed he quit soaking for a few days before the shed, and I think that would be too long to ignore this.
Husbandry: Cage is thermostat controlled to maintain 83 degrees F about halfway down. (It's an arboreal cage- 5ft tall, 3ft wide, and 2ft deep, so it maintains high 80s/low90s at the top, 83 in the middle and high 70's depending on ambient temp in the bottom.) It's heated with a ProProducts heat panel, and I keep the humidity around 65%, and a little higher when he's shedding. I realize this is a large cage for a young snake, but he has plenty of hides, foliage, and vines for cover. He acts very normal in it and doesn't seem stressed. (Lots of hunting behavior at night, active in branches, and doesn't use his hides during the day very often. His aggression levels haven't changed since I moved him in there either.. He's been in there almost 2 months.) Also, his first shed with me was in a 20gal tank and he soaked for days there too, so I don't believe the cage is an issue. I also have a ball python, so he isn't my first snake...)
Anyway, please let me know if you have any idea what this could be. Josh
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