Posted by:
at Tue Aug 24 00:40:29 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by yidaki ]
Hopefully with successive captive bred generations the self feeders will cease to be so few and far between. If we can get a few drymarchon guys ( like myself) hooked on them it will really help. I have invited a local dry keeping friend to come see my new easterns, Hes going to love them and in turn hopefully want some 9 and spread the want). I am willn gto bet that captive breds from captive bred parents will have a higher percentage of easy starters.
Im eyeballing a red coachwhip that DTS has on kingsnake right now.. says hes a tame mouse eater.. we shall see.
I offered my easterns pieces of chicken when I was feeding my False water cobras and I swear the male ALMOST took it off the tongs. he wanted too but he is still unsure of me as it has been less than a week since they have been here.. I bet with time he will take alternative food sources other than his 5 pack of mice per week. The female wanted nothing to do with me or my stupid chicken on a stick lol
How are the babys doing Joe?
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