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Species/setup questions:

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Posted by: gtramontelli at Fri Sep 3 12:46:29 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gtramontelli ]  


I have been doing some research on Uromastyx for the past week or so. Recently I have had the poor fortune of having my 75gallon planted freshwater tank crash on me (Heater broke over a weekend, killing 90% of the fish in there) and I have decided to convert it to a reptile enclosure. After much debate between Uros and Beardies, I have settled on uros because they do not eat live food.

I presently also have a 12-year old leopard gecko and I used to have a Veiled chameleon. Between those and my aquarium experience, I feel rather experienced in caring for exotic animals. I have also read a variety of caresheets for the uromastyx and have a fair idea of the requirements of the enclosure.

Here are my questions:
First, I have noticed a vast amount of variation in the coloration of these animals. I am aware that some species are more colorful than others, and that males tend to be more colorful than females. I'd like to get a fairly colorful this something you can determine at a young age, or is it luck? Ornates and Saharans seem to be particularly colorful and tame. Is this always true?

My second question is regarding lighting. I plan to re-use 48" my flourescent fixture with UVB bulbs as the primary source of light. I'd also like to use a mercury vapor light as the heat source. Is this simply a bulb type or does it also require a specialized fixture? Also, being that I am using a glass tank which is tall-ish (2ft) will a Uro climb a piece of driftwood or elevated slate to thermoregulate? Most enclosures I've seen have been quite flat.

Sorry about the long post. Thanks for any help you offer.


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>> Next Message:  RE: Species/setup questions: - KevinM, Sun Sep 5 13:33:36 2010