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at Fri Sep 10 13:47:51 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FoxTurtle ]
This past winter I collected a flawless 5 foot plus male anerythristic corn snake from a structure in the canefields near Lake Okeechobee, FL. When found, this snake reminded me a lot of the large gray rat snakes I've found in North Florida and South Georgia.
So when I found a large female gray rat snake in March this past spring, I collected her to display with my big anery corn.
Several months later, the rat snake became gravid, and laid a clutch of 10 eggs in early-mid July. Being that the rat snake was collected very early in the season, and that several months had elapsed before she began to show signs of being gravid, I was pretty confident these would be hybrid offspring.
A couple eggs have since gone bad, but just today her clutch began to hatch, and already a couple hatchlings have made it out of the egg.
This one came out of a moldy egg, and is somewhat deformed:
This one, however, is flawless:
More pictures to follow once the whole clutch is out.
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Red X Gray Rat Snake (with pics) - FoxTurtle, Fri Sep 10 13:47:51 2010