Posted by:
at Thu Oct 21 23:28:43 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ameron ]
(This was misposted in the North American Rats forum a few days ago. I realized afterward that this is a better forum.)
A seasoned veteran first mentioned them in a forum post months ago, and I became intrigued. Recent research, however, has found very little about this species that ranges broadly. Neither Care Sheets nor many comments from herpers are to be found.
Some of you surely keep these snakes and know personalities. What have you experienced with:
1) Gender behavior differences. Are males more prone to be active and exploratory and less shy (like with most colubrids), or do both genders exhibit very similar behavior?
2) Shyness. I’ve heard contradictory comments. One man says that they are highly active snakes often seen moving about. Others state that they are quite shy. What have you seen?
3) Feeding. Is it consistent, or do they sometimes go off feed for weeks, like Milks and Kings?
4) Handling. Do they enjoy being handled, going for rides and exploring, or do they really prefer to not be handled much and remain mostly hidden.
Comments from experienced persons who have kept one or more of these gems for over 1 year are most appreciated.
Ameron Portland/Vancouver
1.0 Lampropeltis getula californiae (Carlsbad Wide-banded) 0.1 Lampropeltis getula californiae (Los Angeles County Coastal Banded)
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