Posted by:
at Fri Nov 19 19:05:55 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by zefdin ]
I agree with this post. They do not have to be kept so humid. 45-55% will do with a occasional spay down. I use Cypress when I can to hold in humidity, but aspen is fine. Also, does she have mucus coming from her nose? Just because you hear clicking and sniffling when the snake is a inch from your ear doesnt mean she has an RI. I have seen snakes drool water after they have drank and I thought they were sick, but no. I would change the bedding, reduce the misting and keep her at 80-87 degrees way off on one side "hot side" and let it create a natural gradient which will leave the unheated end at like 70-75 degrees. Then watch snake for few days.
As for the soaking, you may want to check for mites if she is soaking that much and you have the cage very humid. I use a 10x loupe and I look at all the snakes scales for the little black/brown buggers. Use a pair of tweezers or dull probe and pull scales back to look under and between. I especially have found them around eyes, in folds of neck and by rear vent. Get yourself some Provent-A-Mite and treat per direction, The stuff is AWESOME!! It is a very good proventative to have on hand anyhow, even if you do not have mites now. Look on google images for mite pics.
Good Luck!
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