Posted by:
at Fri Nov 12 15:15:20 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by beardi1990 ]
He is 8 months old he is 14 inches long. When i first got him he was eating great for the first 2 weeks out of no where he began bleeding every time he pooped he was constantly trying to poop even when there was nothing else to poop i contacted my vet and he told me it is parasites/worms and to go ahead and use the panacure i have at home he cut the dose for me based on my BD weight...Also he is in a 30g tank i know it should be bigger at least a 40 but i am building his and my other BD tanks right now they will be 60g tanks. His hot side is 90degrees and basking spot is 110, his cool side is 80-85degrees. He still will not touch his greens or crickets, or worms. He is on bene-bac right now it seems to be helping and he has also been a lot more active the past 2 days. I am keeping him hydrated and also am feeding him baby food chicken and sweet potato so that he continues to get nutrients and to put on some weight.
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