Posted by:
at Sun Nov 14 09:49:08 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by pythonaddict ]
I wondered about wanting to be bred. He is six or so years old. And while we don't have a female jcp, we do have a female ball that he is housed in the same room with, and he may have smelled her when the rest of our boys did.
It wouldn't so much concern me if this had happened before. But it hasn't. As unbelievable as this sounds, he really has never denied food. Well, he did once for about two days, when he was constipated. But as soon as he went, he ate. I've always called him the clean up man, a furious eater who never failed not to give a show. He'll still strike at it, but loses interest. Hubby tried again last night and after one strike and miss, he ignored it.
Thanks everyone for your help.
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