Posted by:
W von Papineäu
at Tue Nov 30 07:26:45 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by W von Papineäu ]
THE AGE (Melbourne, Australia) 25 November 10 Prehistoric crocodile species found (AP) Researchers in Thailand say they have discovered a new ancient crocodile species after finding a fossil in the country's northeast. Komsorn Lauprasert, a scientist at Mahasarakham University, said on Thursday the species, believed to have lived 100 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period, had longer legs than modern-day crocodiles and probably fed on fish, based on the characteristics of its teeth. The species has been named "Khoratosuchus jintasakuli," after "Khorat" - or Korat - the province where the fossil was found, and the last name of the director of the Northeastern Research Institute of Petrified Wood and Mineral Resources, Pratueng Jintasakul. The finding has been published a peer-reviewed publication of The Geological Society of London. THA Prehistoric crocodile species found
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