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Updat on chuck eggs

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Posted by: mart20 at Sat Dec 4 07:48:54 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mart20 ]  

It turns out that it wasn't the chuck I thought that laid the eggs, it was my smallest female. The thing is the same night I found the eggs I noticed later on that the little one looked skiny and her tail looked a bit withered, and I though, god I'll have to keep an eye on her and see if I can get some weight on her, and I couldn't understand how she could have gone down hill so fast. At this time it still never entered my mind that she could have laid the eggs as I just thought she was too small as she is half the size of my biggest female. So I was up every 15 mins all night that night waiting for more eggs from my largest female. Then in the morning still no more eggs, my largest female woke up and just started acting like her normal self, jumping around and so on and she looked fine. At this point I'm thinking hold on this isn't right, and then it started to click, as I though wait a minute I remember something about them looking withered and there tails going thin after laying and the only chuck that fitted that description was the little one. I still couldn't quite belive it due to here size, but I e-mailed a guy called Tom Grebb who breeds chucks and he said that it made more sense that it was her, and I called a local reptile shop and the guy there said the same thing, and they both said the same as I was thinking that it made sense as there wer only 4 eggs. Any way I also remembered that it said to offer water to them after laying, and as soon as I did she started lapping at it and seemed to perk up straight away and then an hour or so later her tail looked a bit plumper. She didn't eat much that day but today she has eaten much more so she is doing fine. So that's another huge supprise to me, it's a bit of a roller coaster this chuck breeding lark isn't it lol. Tom answered all my questions any way, but if you feel you have some more advice for me I'm always happy to take it on board, as I'm always looking for new info.


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>> Next Message:  RE: Updat on chuck eggs - tgreb, Sat Dec 4 10:53:37 2010