Posted by:
at Mon Dec 6 23:03:44 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by KWE ]
I always assumed the tortoise and iguana diet were the same thing, just different size pellets, I was told that by one of there salesman. I have read all these posts about the Mazuri diet and my feeling are that I would never give it to them dry and if there are bugs in it, it is probably old. I see the moths flying around my bird cage and they will find the food eventually, it's just a matter of time, I make sure the bag is closed and try to use it up within a month, my parrot food is kept in the fridge to keep the moths out, I was told not to freeze it because it can damage the nutritional value (seeds). The Mazuri diet is easy to waste because it goes bad in less than a day at room temp after it's moistened, I do keep some wet in the fridge for convenience, good for a little longer. An other thing I was told was not to use supplements when using the chow. My guys eat greens (too many to list), home grown fruit and Mazuri, a few will not eat the Mazuri but they will eat Marrion Zoological chow, unfortunately it's ridiculously expensive but the best to get a fussy eater going.KB
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