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W von Papineäu
at Fri Dec 10 12:36:23 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by W von Papineäu ]
WPRI (Providence, Rhode Island) 07 December 10 Apartment fire blamed on alligator (Kathryn Sotnik) Central Falls, R.I.: Investigators believe an early morning fire in Central Falls was caused by an alligator. The fire happened inside an apartment on Cleveland Street Tuesday morning. Firefighters said the fire started when the reptile's heating lamp came into contact with the gator's plastic kiddie pool. The reptile's owner, Jesus Romero, said this isn't the first time something like this has happened. "The alligator normally knocks it over and it usually just shuts off. This time it didn't shut off." First floor tenants said they called 9-1-1 when they smelled smoke. "We don't live in South Africa; we live in Central Falls RI. That shouldn't be taking place at all," said Michelle Florez. Officials said when they responded to the residence they discovered several reptiles including a three foot long alligator, three 10-foot snakes, an iguana and some aquariums. The Housing Authority is now investigating whether or not the animals are legal to live in the apartment. "They don't know if they're illegal or not but I know they're not because I called around before I got them, " said Romero. Florez is concerned. "There's a four-year-old in my apartment. What if the alligator got out and bit her, then what?" No one was hurt in the fire. Apartment fire blamed on alligator
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RI Press: Apartment fire blamed on gator - W von Papineäu, Fri Dec 10 12:36:23 2010