Posted by:
at Sat Dec 18 19:58:17 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Paradon ]
NOt a lot of iguana will eat the rabbit pellets alone.... I only added to the salad to add more protein to the salad. If I add too much of the pellets, he won't eat the salad as much. Adding more fruits seems to help and to get those that won't initially eat the the pellets or the alfalfa leaves, but you don't want to use too much fruits because of high level of phosphorous. A lot of People add fruits to the salad to boost the moisture content of the salad, not just to make it taste better.
When mine was younger, he'll eat almost anything I put in his dish. But recently, he's been a little finicky. If I don't give him the hard veggies, he barely touches his leafy green veggies. However, If I give him some grated parsnips and winter squash, he eats those first and later finish off the greens...heaping amount of it. It seems like they stimulate his appetite, so he'll finish off the greens. I feed the hard veggies separately. Once he's done, he snacks on the heaping pile of greens all day. A year ago, I only fed him the greens and noticed he wasn't very interested in food that much. He's was getting kindda skinny. He would eat here and there, but not in great amount like he used to eat. Sometime he would consecutively eat day to day, but not a lot. Then I started adding winter squash to his salad.... I couldn't believe my eyes! He ran over to food dish like a pack of crazy dogs and gobble the hold thing. So I started adding some green beans and parsnips when ever I could. Right now he seems to inhale the hard veggies when he fritters on fat farms.
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