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RE: FYI I had no responses to my ? but..

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Posted by: annlizardlover at Wed Feb 9 12:32:15 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by annlizardlover ]  

Welll I thank u 4 ur advice. I know what u mean about the vet. I've had him now since I got my 1st lizard & there were no reptile vets in this area at the time. This one said he had worked with iguanas b4 and a few monitors -- the only 1 not over an hour away who was willing to even "work with me". Another vet opened up a few years later & I had just purchased a new red Nigerian Uro who refused to eat when I brought him home & was w/in a week wasted away to almost nothing. I went to the new herp vet who definitely needed lessons in his bedside manner. I was already upset over my new lizard (Cupid) being so sick & this vet barely looked at him & said there was nuthin he could do except put him out of him misery -- he wouldn't even try. He was rude & obnoxious & when I practically begged for info on what to do, he said it didn't matter what I did, he would die anyway. He then dismissed us & charged a huge bill for basically doing nothing. On the way home, I took Cupid into my regular vets office but he was on vacation for a week. I brought him home, made mush out of his greens & kept tryin to feed him, soaked in warm baths, rauised the temp in cage, etc but he passed away in 4-5 days. I've discovered a couple of herp vets in Greensboro who have opened since then but it takes bout an hour fro
for me to get to them which is why I've stayed with my old vet who's only 15 mins away. Thats one reason I wanted to join a forum like this where I can learn for myself & get advice from others. I appreciate u recognizing the fact that I did not do this intentionally & never meant to hurt Petey. But I am sure that if he was at my vets at that minute, the vet would've pulled that skin off since it was so dried out & ready to fall off b/c I've seen him do it b4! I usually bathe all of my beardies & uros when they start to molt as I've read this is a good way to help them have a good shed. If this isn't right please tell me! But Petey's back to normal and is running around already bobbing (or flapping as my daughter calls it) at the females so thank God I had a good outcome.


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>> Next topic:  Shed ? - Lauro, Wed Feb 9 18:33:40 2011
<< Previous topic:  HELP!! What did I just do?? - annlizardlover, Sun Jan 30 16:05:41 2011