Posted by:
at Fri Feb 25 21:21:55 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by pecoskid ]
Thanks Jeremy. My problem with doing a cage building thread is that i hate taking pics. I am just not a photographer in any way shape or form. couple that with the fact that I am still taking pics with a ten year old sony mavica 3.5" floppy disc camera and yo can be convinced i hate photography. I am working on a four cage group now that should be finished in a month. i will try to take some pics along the way and make a brief post when they are done.....If you are interested, the occupant of the cage pictured above is a suboc about 2years & 4months old at present. she laid a perfect clutch of 9 large eggs last summer, all hatched. she has lived in the cage since she was 6 months old. Since she has been in that cage I have only touched/held her three times in order to weigh her. When I hold her I do take note of her musculature and strength, which seems to be much greater/stronger than her siblings that are in Xlarge sweater boxes. This cage experiment has convinced me to make more large cages for some snakes in my collection and reduce the size of my collection because lets face it, a sweater box is no way for a snake to live its life. knowing this, I am as guilty as the next guy for keeping snakes in sweater boxes, so I pass no judgements on my fellow keepers, only onto myself. Kevin
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