Posted by:
at Mon Feb 21 03:28:59 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by robertbruce ]
Years back, sometime between 2005 and 2008 I believe, a forum user here posted a close-up photo of her Eastern Indigos locked up. I believe that the user was from Europe, possibly from the Netherlands. What was unusual was that the male was copulating with the female using both hemipenes at the same time, a phenomenon that I have never seen in hundreds of matings I have set up and witnessed.
I wanted to know if anyone remembers that picture and can direct me to the owner of the photograph. I am writing an article on breeding of Easterns and I'd like to possibly use that photograph in the article.
It used to be that there were archives of the Indigo Forum here that would store the threads previous to the ones shown in the active main forum. The only archive I can find now is from 1999 to 2003. That would mean that all of the posts from 2003 until the end of 2008 are gone, if I am correct. I'd search for it myself if the posts were still there.
Robert Bruce.
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Picture of a "dual lockup" in Easterns - robertbruce, Mon Feb 21 03:28:59 2011