Posted by:
at Sat Mar 5 22:19:19 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PBM ]
No need for sorry, lol. It didn't bother me at all, rather I thought it was funny-you got me!!! Tom did work with some really nice hognose snakes, but with the permit system required here, they're something I never got into. I really hope I can produce a good number of animals from all of my Pinson Lines and get them out there into other keepers collections. I still have to talk more with Jazmyn about exactly where it will go, but I plan on just donating any sales to a charity that Tom would've been interested in. If Jazmyn doesn't give me something concrete, I'll probably just donate any money to breast cancer research since that's so prevelant in our families. So, don't feel bad at all for your joke, it was funny, especially since you got me on the line easily lol.
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