Posted by:
at Mon Mar 7 19:54:51 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ChaosCat ]
>>It's too bad only 5 of us frequent this forum, lol. I'm all about this topic, but for right now I'm going to get some sleep. I'll try to get back on later today and go into some of the results I've seen. For the most part, line breeding has given me the best results, but I have a couple things I'm trying to prove out. It's too bad they take so long to grow sometimes, lol. Well, until later........... >> >>P.S. Thanks on the pic, I almost had 2 more in there but as soon as I added them everyone started going nuts and I was doing more snake wrangling then anything else, lol.
I have 4 Dumerils right now - posted a photo of the two girls I have and it's really easy to tell the difference. One is much darker and "cloudier" looking than the other, which is much lighter, almost high contrast and where her "saddles" should be brown, they are almost black. Just picked up two more Dumerils over the weekend, one male, one unsexed, and neither of them look anything like the two females I have.
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