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at Mon Mar 7 00:22:10 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by girlymoses ]
I received an injured iguana from a petsmart after someone brought him in.. It's been beaten very badly by some children (whom I call miniature Charlie Manson').. his jaw is busted up, he has a black eye, the tip of his tail is broken and he doesn't use his backlegs. I've been takin care of him for about a week now. He eats every day(fruits and veggies), has his own cage, heat lamp, and water source.. I'm concerned because he hasn't pooped yet. He's swollen and I've.tried everything.. I havnt taken him to a vet yet because the ones I've been to don't deal with reptiles. Not sure where to go or what to do.. he seems to be about a year or so. He's discolored in areas (I think that he was without an owner for a while, or wasn't cared for.) For what he's been through, hes very alert and lively. Please, help me.. I have other reptiles and would love to be able to keep him.
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