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RE: Over feeding

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Posted by: PHLdyPayne at Mon Mar 14 17:43:34 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHLdyPayne ]  

Impaction is caused by blockage in the intestinal tract..Vegetables alone won't cause it, if you are feeding appropriate vegetables and making sure they are of an appropriate size.

Dragons will stop eating once they are full, so over feeding isn't something they are likely to do. Obesity or regurgitation is far more likely to happen if the dragon over eats. I have not heard of dragons regurgitating because they ate too much greens..sometimes it can happen if they are feed too many insects and it goes into a kind of feeding frenzy.

Large hard shelled insects could cause impaction due to hard exoskeleton, but this rarely happens with adults.

More common and likely causes of impaction will be improper husbandry, such as basking temperatures being too low, insufficient calcium, UVB light, vitamin D3 or any combination of these 4 important factors, which can cause digestive issues (among other things). The ingestion of foreign materials, such as calcium sand, gravel, wood chips, etc can cause impaction.

Other less common possibilities would be trauma, tumors, disease or even birth defects.

If you are worried your dragon is impacted and/or your dragon is showing signs of distress (lethargic, straining while defecating, blood in stool, refusing to eat, regurgitating etc.) you best option is to get him in to see a vet. X-rays can determine if there is blockage and depending on how bad it is, surgery may be required.

If your dragon is active, alert and still defecating without signs of straining, then he isn't impacted. If he just hasn't pooped in awhile...detail out his setup, what you feed and how much/frequently, temps both in basking and cool area, what kind of tank you have, substrate, how old the dragon is, his current behavior (hiding all the time, basking normally etc.) and other information and we can see if there's any suggestions we can give to improve your husbandry.

Forum Princess


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<< Previous Message:  Over feeding - AlexjMcDonald, Sun Mar 13 22:44:39 2011