Posted by:
at Wed Mar 16 10:57:40 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by sfbluenile ]
After a few emails and a phone call he won't sell me a cage now lol.
He told me no matter what the cage is constructed of, a dome lamp on top of a cage is unsafe.
He declined to tell me what temperature the material of his cages are rated for.
To create a floor temp of 115 in a 4' cage would result in too hot of a cool side. I told him I imagine 78-80 degree cool side in that scenario, he told me it would be 110. I told him well with some ventilation I'm sure that would not be the case. He said I could do something like that if I could buy a cage off him, but he won't sell me one now. LOL What a joke. I told him thanks for his time and that he's a real stand up guy. He told me "OOH I'm such a terrible person for trying to protect people and their pets from dangerous situations!"
Dude is not being up front with his product at all. Yeah there could be an earthquake or a heatlamp could get bumped off a cage, or magically jump off the cage top and cause a fire, but that's still evading the question. Plenty of cages are heated this way. When I drive on the freeway I could be involved in a pile up and die, maybe I shouldn't drive.
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