Posted by:
W von Papineu
at Wed Mar 30 11:23:50 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by W von Papineu ]
LANCASHIRE TELEGRAPH (Blackburn, UK) 29 March 11 Volunteers needed to help Todmorden toads cross the road (Peter Magill) Extra volunteers are wanted in Todmorden to help amphibians stay safe and learn the “green cross toad”. Hundreds of migrating toads brave Woodhouse Road and Lumbutts each spring, en route to breeding ponds nearby. But many never make it across the busy routes, a fact which is thought to be a contributory factor towards a decline in the common toad population. That is where the countryside service’s toad patrol steps in, with nature lovers carrying the animals to safety. A toad warning sign is set to be erected at Lumbutts, while Woodhouse Road will be monitored to see if it would benefit from a similar device. Portia Smith, a long-standing volunteer, said: “We have been running toad patrols in Calderdale for several years and have rescued hundreds of toads. It’s really good fun and great to know we’re helping the plight of toads in the area. “We’re eager to get more people volunteer-ing though, and we want to hear from people with an interest in helping an unusual and charismatic amphibian for a few nights this month.” Milder spring weather this year has also resulted in the toads making their move earlier than usual. New volunteers who can help with manning the two Todmorden crossings can contact Hugh Firman at the service on 01422 393214 or email to hugh.firman @calderdale Volunteers needed to help Todmorden toads cross the road
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