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at Tue Apr 5 23:42:39 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jcraft75 ]
With the exception of the Guadalupe Mnts, those ranges are understandable because of the lack of access. Areas that are accessible that surprise me with the lack of animals in captivity would be places like 166 and northwest 118 in the Davis Mnts, Pinto Canyon and Shafter in the Chinati Mnts, and alterna from any locale from private land. But, I think that this speaks more to the unwillingness of collectors to invest their time in areas where success is not reasonably expected, and less to do with the presence of animals. I hope that before my herp career has come to an end that I will produce some of these unrepresented populations, and that some of you will do the same. I will certainly be trying.
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