Posted by:
at Fri Apr 15 08:35:33 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rustduggler ]
your points. However I have read posts on KS forums in the past about people finding their escaped snakes months later, outside their house. Usually these incidents involve snakes (exotic or otherwise) that are not indiginous to those areas. I understand that people are fallible, that's not the point. The point is state fish and wildlife agencies have laws restricting the introduction of non-native species to the outdoor environment. Most any colubrid 4' or smaller can escape a house to find itself into the great outdoors. I believe we all know and understand why they have these laws, and they don't care if the animals were accidentally or intentionally introduced, they just don't want them there. If a polititian interested in passing restrictive laws was to use use all of the "escape posts" from this sites forums to bolster his/her case it would do nothing except make their case easier to sell to other voting politicians. So my main point is these escape posts do us and our future right to legally possess these animals no good at all. This is a friendly post with what I feel is good advice so please don't take it the wrong way. Self preservation is the name of this game. And bottom line, no matter how you slice it, it is our resonsibility to the reptiles (if to nothing or no one else) to keep these animals in their cages where they are safe. An escaped reptile, with few exceptions is almost always due to keeper error/irresponsibility.............On the lighter side: I would like to see a law passed banning wild and free black rat snakes from breaking into my basement and trying to make a meal of my white mice that I breed down there. I suppose even if that law was passed it would be difficult to enforce. LOL
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