Posted by:
at Tue May 3 13:22:54 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Eve ]
Well I have used the same 2- 3 Hovabator incubators for many many years. I do not use the ones with a fan for circulation, just the regular hovabator. I use vermiculite as my egg substrate. I have never used anything else. I have heard of the hatch rite for a few years and alot of people like it.
I do not think I have red plugs, ;0) I don't even really fill the bottom of the bator where it has a valley or water well. I just use my small plastic containers and the SIMS is in there too, mostly filled right now with snow leopard gecko eggs. I have about 5 plastic containers in there with collared eggs, along with the SIMS and now I am out of room, I need to use another incubator. But I stuff them pretty full.
Thats about it. I keep temps about 84.7 - ish so it is good for collareds or the leopards or spinys or whatever.
Not sure about your set up with the SIMS tray, hard to know without seeing. Sorry !
I personally don't rig up too many things when it comes to my eggs, I try and keep it pretty to the book /old school , moist vermic in container and hovabator incubator.... and let em cook. Although I did try and like the SIMS last year, as long as yoru eggs are good they seem to hatch in there. ----- Eve Suncharmers Colorful Collareds & More
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