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at Tue May 17 19:00:31 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHLdyPayne ]
the best food source for baby dragons are crickets, as they are cheaper and easier to get consistently to meet the growing needs of baby dragons. They can also be gut loaded before feeding.
If crickets or roaches are completely impossible to feed, then next best thing would be phoenix worms, small silkworms, butterworms and small hornworms. These soft bodied worms are very good for dragons though tend to be a bit more fatty, but not as bad as waxworms. They can also be dusted with calcium and multivitamin powders.
Once a baby dragon is about 14" long head to tail tip, they can be offered superworms as well. I suggest a mix of phoenix worms, butterworms and small silkworms (to large as the dragon gets bigger) 2-3 times a day for the first 2-4 months, depending on how old the baby is. Offer all they can eat in about 5-10 minutes. Worms tend to work best when fed a few at a time...a large pile tends to cause dragons to gorge and they can eat too much..or spook them.
As most pet stores don't always carry all these worms..except maybe the phoenix worms (which come in 100 count jars), I suggest talking with your parents about mail ordering them in bulk. Butterworms and the phoenix worms keep well without any need of feeding (butterworms can be kept in fridge, phoenix worms come packaged with a kind fo 'bedding' they can eat as well) Silkworms will need to be constantly best to order in small quantities...if not available at a local pet store.
Mail order also tends to be cheaper than a pet store. Keep in mind that a healthy and hungry baby dragon can easily eat 10-20 worms per day, maybe more. I suggest you make sure money is available to feed these more expensive feeders before getting your dragon. Or..look for older dragons, say over 8 months which don't need as much insects...and can be given more greens (though they still will need insects but can be fine with superworms with some treats of silkworms, hornworms and butterworms). ----- PHLdyPayne
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