Posted by:
at Sat May 28 18:34:26 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHLdyPayne ]
By 'Money tree' do you mean Pachira aquatica? This tree is often used decoratively with braided trunks etc.
There is also the money plant, or silver dollar plant (Lunaria annua). Hence not sure what plant you mean.
As crested geckos don't eat plants, what you have to avoid is plants that bruise easily, have thorns, irritating hairs or 'weeps' sap or sticky substances if bruised/damaged. Also, flowers and fruits may be eaten, so care must be taken to ensure these are not toxic, even if the leaves and stems are fine.
Most often toxicity in plants is only addressed in relation to humans, cats, dogs, or livestock. Thus its not always easy to know if its toxic to reptiles, even if deemed safe for cats/dogs.
Then there is the consideration to the plant itself. Will it thrive in an environment that suits your gecko? As crested geckos do better in low light temperate environments with mid to high humidity (60-80% humidity) The Pachira aquatica probable do best in a crested gecko cage.. but you also want a sturdy plant that can tolerate being climbed all over and jumped on by crested geckos. An average crested gecko with tail weighs about 50g, if the branches/leaves don't support that weight, then it can be a hazard to your gecko. If it jumps onto the plant leaves and it bends so much or tears could mean a fall for your gecko.
Things to consider about live plants in a vivarium, when trying to decide what to put in. ----- PHLdyPayne
Forum Princess
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