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at Thu Jun 9 13:25:11 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Nyczvegeta85 ]
Hello guys, haven't visited this forum in years! But anyway, I was wondering what you guys have been doing for water changes for your personal crocs? Do you guys clean the water like a fish tank? meaning doing partial water changes throughout the week or just plain change all the water out every few weeks or so? Of course a filter is mandatory. Please let me know as my gators are getting huge and don't know if I should change all the water out or do partial changes. As I noticed in the past that doing no changes at all gave my boys mouthrot or something from the bacteria even though the water was crystal clean. Thanks in advance!
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Crocodilian water changes? - Nyczvegeta85, Thu Jun 9 13:25:11 2011