Posted by:
at Sat Apr 20 08:47:20 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nakabaka ]
Hey, I notice you seem to be one of the go-to guys on this forum. I'm considering starting a breeding thing with green anoles since my 2nd attempt (with this male) at keeping this species is much more fruitful than the first - I think you were right about her being acquired at the end of her lifespan. Questions are as follows -
1.) I prefer the type of tank I already have, but am aware it needs to be larger. Would the 1.5'x1.5'x2' be large enough in order to distribute resources widely enough to avoid the dominance hierarchy that can occur if heat and light resources are bunched together, or should I go even larger than that? With the iguanas I helped my sis raise, I noticed that had they were being aggressive (though not physical) over resources until we thought to give more basking spots; needless to say, we had a whole room designated for them due to their size. I'm still not sure exactly how much room is needed for even 1 of these guys, though my male is doing just fine in his 1'x1'x1.5'; they're incredibly small, and sometimes sizing needs are deceptive. I know that many species of lizard, the male needs to be separated from the female to avoid over-courtship, but I figure if I can give a lush enough environment to get her a bask with visual cover, should be ok as long as an hierarchy wouldn't be an issue OR can be avoided as much as possible.
2.) What temp and humidity should the eggs be incubated at? And what is the incubation time range?
3.) Are the captive born anoles any hardier and less stress-able than the wild-caught, like most other species, or are they just as "socially delicate" as wild-caught? Asking that one so I don't overdo anything while at the same time not completely ignoring them if it's possible to socialize captive-borns.
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