Posted by:
at Sun Jul 3 09:57:10 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by emysbreeder ]
THANKS! You know not that long ago,about 20 years the Asians traded and sold animals but they had no big money value because there was no demand for "tons" of turtles. It was more like I trade you my duck for your turtle. There simply was no refrigeration so for that reason alone it was a substained use. Thousands of years of tradishional use didnt wipe them out. So I have no problem with that, its been their culture as far as it go back. In 1989 Chinese people could spend their money in other countries so the went all over Asia offering $money$ for as many turtles as they could collect. Again,what can you say about people that are now in a modern world and are dirt poor making only a few bucks a day now could make much more,and they work hard at that. I cant blame them and dont. In a short 12 years after this started conservationist called it a "Black hole" of disapearing turtles.*J.Behler. I've seen a confascated shipment of 4.5 tons. Just one in thousands a year. Its no imbellishment by Conservationist in this case,its mind boggeling. So if you can get your hands on any Asian turtles and breed or just give them a desent life you my friend are rich and "DEFYING DESTINY" The captive born offspring is all that will be here in the future,and the government HERE wants to destroy this possability I should'nt have had that 2nd. cup of coffee! Vic...pic caption...the Fl.F.W.C wants to know the "birthday's" of all my babies and their babies.
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