Posted by:
at Mon Jul 4 15:49:47 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHLdyPayne ]
Your setup seems alright. Basking under the hottest spot in the mornings and periodically during the day is normal behavior. I bet he also basks there right after eating too. Mine would do that, bask in morning, and right after I feed her.
Giving your descriptions and details, I don't think there's anything really wrong. My female would only poop maybe 2-3 times a month sometimes less. If he's a good weight and eating regularly, and getting plenty of hydration, I don't think there's any problem. If you are still concerned, take him to a vet, he can do x-rays or ultra sounds to check for any issues inside...also, always good to have annual check-ups with your vet, gives them more experience with healthy animals and establishes a nice baseline with your he can better see any early signs of problems.
Bathing to me, is not necessary other than to clean a dirty dragon. A healthily eating dragon will get all the moisture it needs from his greens/insects. Babies need the extra moisture as their metabolism is high and they are smaller, so dehydrate much easier. That and insects don't have as much moisture per volume as fresh greens and babies don't eat as much greens as insects initially.
But if your dragon seems to enjoy his baths and isn't stressed by them, once a week is fine. Too much and it may cause skin issues, especially in the folds. ----- PHLdyPayne
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