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at Wed Jul 20 12:46:48 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by OliveJewel ]
From the tfh "Atlas of Reptiles and Amphibians":
From the tropical islands of the Indo-Pacific. Diurnal, in part arboreal, frequently in mangroves or in the littoral zone (shallow water region adjacent to shore in freshwater with lots of submersed plants). One species, E. atrocostata, is alleged to dive into the sea and catch small fish and crustaceans. 2 eggs per clutch, several clutches a year.
Based on this information I would keep them at temps in the low 90s during the day and the high 70s at night with UV light on at least half the day, 90% humidity, constant access to a water tub, plenty of branches and log hollows and some foliage for hiding in, (like pothos) in a vertical space, and feed them a variety of insects with occasional offerings of finely chopped greens and fruit (it seems that many skinks have omnivorous tendencies as adults and it doesn't hurt to offer it--start with more heavy on fruit and then adjust to more balance with the greens if they'll take it--some will only accept fruit if anything plant-based at all). I would also offer snails and slugs. If you introduce isopods to your substrate they will clean much waste and also provide a calcium-rich food and enrichment. Finally, I would try offering minnows, since other Emoia are rumored to eat fish... if they don't go after them live, I'd try them pre-killed... if they still refused them I'd let it go. Fish bones are probably great sources of calcium too. Which reminds me, when you feed them snails, let them eat the shell for calcium--those little water snails that are the bane of aquarium keepers for their prolific breeding are so easy to maintain as occasional food sources for skinks that like snails.
Good luck! Report back if you get breeding and eggs! ----- Lisa Rakestraw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My skinks: 1.1.1 Corucia zebrata (Berman and Joni, baby Charlemagne) 2.2.2 Eumeces schneideri (Jack and Mabel; Kaa and Cochisa their babies) 0.0.4 Egernia striolata
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