Posted by:
at Sun Jul 17 00:15:24 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RichardFHoyer ]
Jaiden2010 If in fact the boas were born in 2007 and 2009, even with accelerated growth, it was be a miracle if any of these boas were adults.
At any rate, with such fragmentary information (no weights or lengths given), it is not possible to give reasoned advice. If you can give me the current weights of your specimens and their stretched lengths, that would be a start.
When I mean stretched lengths, to obtain a reasonably accurate length, you pin the boas tail near the tip to the zero point of a yard or meter stick and with the other hand, grasp the boa behind the head and firmly stretch the boas a number of times until the snake relaxes and you can obtain its stretched length. The method is the same as if you were measuring a dead snake by being firm yet not to over do the stretching. It helps to damping the finger to get a decent grip.
It would also help to know the origin of the parents from which these boas were obtained as boas from different regions reach maturity at different lengths.
I suggest you put your question on the main forum as you will reach a broader audience.
Richard F. Hoyer
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