Posted by:
at Mon Jul 4 13:43:50 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ezbzy ]
I was in the reptile biz for some time now,took a break, and just recently got back into it. I specialized in Leos, but now I want to take my focus to beardies. I have searched many websites to try and get information on the latest morphs. But I do have a few questions that I was hoping that someone here could answer.
First off, what are the chances of producing an Italian silkie? Im guessing that you cant just simply bred two together to get a clutch of them, so what would be the chances of producing one with two adult Italian silkies? Also, what makes a silkie more valuable? I have seen some go for as little as 200, while others have gone for 800 plus. Ive heard that the Italian gene is dominant, but Im not 100 percent sure.
Secondly, I have yet to find a large number of people who produce the snow/marketed lus. Is this due to the rarity of them or is it just simply because there is no demand for them in the beardie market? This morph is by far my favorite, yet it seems like only one here and there will show up in the classifieds.
Thirdly, Ive seen people show off their "purple" dragons. This question might be a little far fetched, but how would you go about producing such morph?
Thanks for you time, and I hope to hear from you all. -Ethan
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Q: Breeding Appealing Beardie Morphs - ezbzy, Mon Jul 4 13:43:50 2011