Posted by:
at Sun Jul 24 13:47:33 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHLdyPayne ]
I would get him on a proper diet. A mix of greens, fruit with some insects should be offered. Too many pinky mice can end up causing obesity and other issues over time. Pinky mice are alright once in awhile, no more than one or two a month.
I suggest not offering food for a couple days then offer finelly chopped greens, with a few superworms or silkworms put on top to catch his attention. I have also found the crested gecko powders, mixed with water and sprinkled ontop of greens, entices BTS's to eat eagerly. Or at last my two male BTS's ate greens with much more interest when I added this. ----- PHLdyPayne
Forum Princess
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