Posted by:
at Mon Aug 1 12:26:04 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHFaust ]
Unless you have plans to breed, I suggest housing apart. That is just my opinion.
You mention tub feeding. Personally I am against this. The additional stress it puts on the animal (no to mention it is a pain in the arse) can often lead to feeding issues. This is one major advantage to housing alone.
I have seen a lot of contributing factors to feeding issues. Temps, humidity, cage set up, cage side, visibility. The list goes on ya know. Usually when an animal isnt feeding, I look at what I am doing wrong. We have all been there, trust me.
What I would suggest is getting the one off feed set up along. Glass tanks really dont do well for morelia. Mine do ok in a rack, but they really like the security of covered sides. Temps between 80-82 are what you are shooting for, but with out the ability to temp gun, you cant check the animal itself to make sure it is good. I have 5 PE 1 temp guns in my 10x10 reptile room. I check everywhere. Alot. I probably temp gun my racks and cages three times a day and I have different check points each time. I live in Wisconsin tho where the temps can fluctuate easily and fast.
If you look over everything and decide it is good, then you can look at other options. Having tried rats, rabbits, g.pigs, hamsters, chicks, quail, ASF, gerbils, you can then move onto scenting with a few things. Oddly enough the water from a tuna can REALLY seems to induce eating. Chicken broth, or chicken juice from either fresh or FT chicken is another option. I make up broth when I make soup and save it before salt or anything else is added and freeze it for later use. Also if you are using FT (and this is where I really use the temp gun a lot) I have never ever had any of my morelia take anything under 100 degrees. This was a trick I learned with my bloods and it has translated well to my morelia. ----- Cindy Steinle PHFaust Visit kingsnake on Facebook! Follow Kingsnake on Twitter!
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