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at Fri Jul 29 13:50:51 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
Two things about what you said: First, rosies can warm up their internal body temps even if the air is cooler, as long as they have access to sun-warmed rock or soil. And rocks can maintain warmth for hours after the sun goes down. I've hopped around rosy habitat in the San Bernardinos, and I guarantee they can easily find suitable temps even when it is rather cool out. In fact, that is where you find the snakes - in those areas that heat up best.
Also, those coastal rosies get pretty chunky. Lots of mass, once heated, retains heat better than a smaller snake. They do that too - warm up for awhile, then go underground and conserve that warmth as best they can. No rosy wants to be out in the open for too long.
As for Ariz rosies, they can easily thermoregulate and not ever see that 100 deg. So yes, the temps they choose are surprisingly similar from CA to AZ to Mexico.
I will say this, humidity can differ. I've been to triv triv habitat in Baja where the humidity was moderately high much of the time. Won't see that in many other locales. Desert rosies do not like too much humidity for too long, whereas Mexican rosies tolerate it better, and coastal CA rosies are inbetween. However, all do best with cages with lots of ventilation, so again they are surprisingly similar in captive needs.
Adequate ventilation plus a basking area of suitable temperature and you can keep any locality rosy healthy and happy. There very well may be differences among locality rosies, but if you give them a choice of temps instead of the narrow range of 76-78 deg and you give them ventilation, they will do best no matter what locality they are from. ----- Mark
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