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at Mon Aug 15 16:16:19 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rickmoss95 ]
i probably would not put two in a ten gallon myself. i have heard of people keeping one adult in a ten, but i personally think that they need a little more room. i would go at least twenty long for one or two adults, but that is just me. some females will do fine with each other, and even groups of 1.3 or even 1.4 if you have enough room. i personally keep mine indavidually in 28qt(i think that is the size) just so i can monitor them better, as far as feeding, bowel movements, and general health. i have good friends that also breed, and some of them will keep 1.4 groups in a little smaller tubs, and they do fine. my way is a little more work, and takes up more space...but i wouldnt do it any other way. keeping groups works, but i like to keep mine seperate, then just put my males in with single girls for a couple days...take em out for the night when i feed, then put them in with different girls, and rotate with that schedule...and i am doing very well so far. you could make a killer 55gal setup for your girls, then if you ever decide to put in another girl(or boy), you would still have the space.
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