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RE: Monogamous Homosexual EBT

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Posted by: spencereb at Wed Aug 10 22:45:43 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by spencereb ]  

Nobody doubts that what you are observing in your male boxie, is what would appear to be a male boxie actually mounting another male boxie for sexual purposes. Therefore, the immediate and obvious conclusion would be that there is some type of un-natural behavior taking place..such as homosexuality. However, as you pointed out in your post, you stated that you have observed many different types of behavior patterns, apparently in several different individual turts, over the course of say maybe a decade. No doubt then, you must agree that each individual turt will perform various daily activities, in it's very own unique, and usually subtly different, manner. That is to say that, no two turtles will behave exactly the same way. In as much as most turtle activities and behaviors can be described into neat little packages and published into books for us to learn from, when we observe something "different" from what we have come to expect, then we automatically ascribe some new idea to that very unique behavior pattern. Case in point. Louie is clearly demonstrating his very own unique method of telling Sonny that he intends to be Mr. Alpha. This behavior pattern will probably persist until all competion (Sonny and every other male) is removed from his presence. Then Louie will have time, and it may take some time, for him to concentrate on refining his "Romeo" assets. So relax, I bet that you have a young, very healthy male boxie, that will someday, procreate beyond your wildest (at this point) dreams. Now, for the sake of Sonny (and this topic has not been addressed thus far in this thread), consider some way to separate them, so as not to further stress Sonny. This could ultimately affect Sonny's health and well being and may save you a trip to the vet. Depending on the size of your enclosure, your response, as Sonny's keeper, to this immediate and obviouse threat, could cost Sonny his very life.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: Monogamous Homosexual EBT - terrapene, Wed Aug 10 20:58:44 2011