Posted by:
at Thu Aug 11 23:24:05 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by herbivorous ]
I have basking spots for all of my adult indigos and cribos. During the summer when it is relatively warm, I use a really weak element or just replace the regular light bulbs with CFLs. Most of my adults will come out and bask in the morning and then retire as the garage warms up. During the summer, the area where I keep my snakes gets up to 78-80 degrees at the high. During the cooler months, I use a regular 75 watt heat bulb as a basking light combined with a heat pad underneath the cage. The area right over the basking spot will reach around 100 degrees (surface temperature measured with one of those point and shoot thermometers) while the ambient temperature stays in the 70s during the day. I have both the light and the heat pad on a timer that goes on for a certain number of hours a day even during the winter.
I don't really know that they absolutely need the supplemental heat unless they are gravid or digesting, but they really do seem to respond to light cycles in my experience. During the "day" time when the lights are on they have strong appetites, but some of my snakes are genuinely pestered by food or handling if I bother them after the lights go out and it is "night" in their cages. I do think they are more active when they have a basking light (CFL or not) than if they don't have a basking light.
Hope that helps. Ubiquitous Serpent
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