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RE: I Guess It Is Time

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Posted by: aspidites at Fri Aug 26 11:02:13 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by aspidites ]  

"Wanna bet???? Let's take a pole."

I think you mean poll. Unless you were trying to make a clever pun about skewering people....


If you want to defend what you do, I think people would have more respect for you if you just said something like: "I enjoy participating in roundups, I have for many years, I try to do the best I can not to permanently harm wild populations or habitat and it is a perfectly legal thing to do." Instead, you try making specious arguments that deflect the real issue. Really??? You are trying to equate captive breeding to collecting wild animals? THERE IS NO COMPARISON!!! If all of the captive bred animals were immediately killed or harvested, it has no impact whatsoever on the environment. Collecting hundreds of WILD animals like rattlesnakes DOES have an immediate effect on the environment. There is a definite carrying capacity ecologically which is set in a different balance when you collect these animals. It is not about them ending up dead so much as you creating a void in the wild population. I'm not saying that it cannot be corrected or that it cannot be sustained by the population of diamondbacks as a whole. But making the argument that captive animals dying due to improper care, or breeding animals that will eventually die some day is somehow on a par with collecting wild animals is ridiculous. Surely you must be able to see that. If you wanted to make that argument legitimately, you would need to breed the diamondbacks yourself and harvest only your own offspring for the roundups.


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