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at Tue Aug 23 14:43:56 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RichardFHoyer ]
Hoggymomma, Loving2Act: Recreational collecting of non-protected species, including the Rubber Boa, I believe is allowed in all state in which the species is native with the exception of Washington and perhaps Wyoming. I do not know what the regulations are in Wyoming. I believe Idaho, Utah, Nevada, California all have bag and possession limits.
There are no such limits in Oregon and nor is a permit or license is needed in Oregon to collect. However it is not legal to either sell or barter captured non-game species of wildlife in Oregon. I believe Montana is similar to Oregon in that regard but one should check each state's regulations or contact wildlife agency officials.
So it is my suggestion that should you live in or near any of the western states (except Washington and perhaps Wyoming), take time to learn when, where, and how to find the species and collect one of your own. Though often difficult to find, the species often is quite abundant in suitable habitat.
One of my son's is visiting from Florida and we went out yesterday to release 3 boas, two of which had just produced their litters. I normally do not go out in mid summer to search for the species. But to my surprise, we did encounter two female boas at one site northwest of where I live in Corvallis, Oregon and another female boa south of Salem. It had been overcast and somewhat cool in the morning and those conditions apparently were sufficient to bring those three boas to seek warmth under artificial cover objects.
Richard F. Hoyer
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RE: Sob story - RichardFHoyer, Tue Aug 23 14:43:56 2011